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U12 Tier 1 Teams for Girls and Mixed

By KDSMC, 04/02/24, 9:00AM EDT


U12 Lake Shore League - Tiered Team Pools

What is a Tier 1 team?

In 2024, Lake Shore League (LSL) is piloting the addition of a Tier 1 pool of teams to provide an offering for players interested in playing in at an increased level of competitiveness within Lake Shore League teams.

As we approach the start of the season at the end of May, Kincardine Minor Soccer is in the process of identifying and selecting coaches for a Girls and a Mixed Tier 1 teams.  In this pilot year, the target is to field at least 1 team for Girls and 1 team for Mixed.  

What is involved in a tryout?
  • A separate session run before the season starts where the coach will get kids interested on the field to run through various drills to select players for the team.
    • Tryout date(s) have not yet been determined
  • If there are more players at the tryout than available roster spots, then players will be informed by the coach after the tryout(s) if they have made the Tier 1 team.
  • Players that don't make the Tier 1 team will be placed on a Tier 2 team.
Eligibility to tryout for a Tier 1 team:
  • Registered for Kincardine Minor Soccer's 2024 Summer Season
  • Birth year of the player is in 2012 or 2013.
What is a Tier 2 team?

LSL will also have a  Tier 2 pool of teams that represents a continuation of Lake Shore's normal recreational programming. Kincardine Minor Soccer will create and enter teams in this pool as well.

  • Players do NOT have to tryout to be placed on a Tier 2 team by Kincardine Minor Soccer

More information to come around tryout dates and times.  At this time there will NOT be a separate "tryout" registration for Tier 1 teams.  Information will be communicated to all players that indicated in their registrations of their interest with a competitive level in the above stated birth years.  Should that change, we will information everyone as well. 

You can check your response in your registration by doing the following:

  • navigate to your "My SportsEngine"
  • navigate to "Registrations"
  • navigate to the "2024 Summer Season Player Registration"
  • click on the registration
  • navigate to "Registration Options" to view what you selected

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