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2012 (Birth Year) Competitive Girls Team Tryouts

By KMS, 07/30/24, 7:30AM EDT


Tyrout Information

Try-outs are being held for an Under 13 Competitive Girls soccer team for the 2025 soccer season. 

Dates: Tuesday August 20th, 27th, September 10th, 17th, and 24th from 5:30PM-7PM on Bruce Ave Field 3
League Information: Home games in Kincardine, travel required for away games (locations TBD could be up to two hours away). 
Practices: Once a week beginning in November, day of the week TBD (may change come summer based on field availability).
Games: Once a week beginning in May, day of the week TBD.
Cost: TBD, will be provided before the end of try-outs
Number of players needed: 16-18

Players with the following qualities are invited to try-out:

  • strong understanding of fundamental soccer skills (passing, dribbling, shooting, coordination, fitness, etc.)
  • committed (will attend 90% of games and 80% of practices)
  • respectful, excited, coachable, passionate about the game
  • willingness to learn more and develop their skills
  • sees the value in sticking with and committing to a team for the long term (multiple seasons)

Questions? Please contact or 519-440-2213

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